Increasing Retention & Attracting New Talent
The current talent crisis presents forward thinking organisations to address the topic at the heart of this crisis – corporate culture.
Dale Carnegie research revealed that the key personal drivers behind departures came down to people ‘not being valued at work, leadership blind spots, and overall bad vibes.
110 Years
training experience
200 Offices
in more than 80 countries
35 Languages
spoken by our teams
9 Million
course graduates
Our Methodology is Unique
The way Dale Carnegie’s elite trainers and facilitator’s engage, the environment we create and the way we coach and give feedback, following Dale Carnegie’s DNA, makes us different to other training organisations.
Our Principles Generate Results
Based on the principles from, How to Win Friends & Influence People, and How To Stop Worrying & Start Living, our proven tools, expertise, and support transform relationships ,radically change team performance, create measurable results, organisational impact, and reshape cultures
Outstanding Client Experiences, With Accredited Results