Developing Mindsets and Skills to Embrace the New Sales Environment

In recent weeks, we have spoken to several people across our network who have observed a mentality for some within their sales teams. That being, waiting to get back to the way things were, pre-pandemic.

When we think about ongoing sales skill development and the need for world-class commercial teams, this mindset represents a potential performance risk. As salespeople, like it or not, we need the skills to sell online and represent the brand in the right way in a virtual space. Otherwise, we run the risk of agile competitors making up ground in our territories.

Take heart though. The role of the salesperson has changed more over the pandemic than perhaps it has done over the last decade or more. As humans living through a stressful time, we can be forgiven for occasionally lingering behind the pack.

A few days back, I met online for a catch-up with a former client. This was a highly productive conversation, with no lack of warmth and rapport. Had we met in person, this discussion would have presented a potential 5-hr round trip. For every conceivable reason, that simply makes no sense in the current environment.

By now, most of us have seen the potential for online sales, pitching, and consulting to be great for business. Online allows us to have more touchpoints, with greater efficiency, in less time, without the worn tyres, exhaust fumes, inevitable fatigue, and substantial travel expenses.

This though is no rallying cry for all our business relationships to place on screen from here on in.

A few years back, a Dale Carnegie marketing slogan read ‘Even in this wired world, this is still the most important connection’ above a picture of a handshake. Sadly, shaking hands, we all know is a little tricker now! The core message, however, still holds true. Online can’t and shouldn’t completely replace face to face.

As business people and as human beings, we will always have a greater impact in-person than online and wherever you are in a sales process, or in your long-standing business relationship, at times there is no substitute for being in the same room.

With that being clear, salespeople still need to embrace the reality and the advantages of online selling. Even at this stage of the hybrid sales game, I’m still hearing plenty of comments about online communication and how it needs to be stepped up. This alongside a need for a shift in mindsets to embrace the current reality.

Dale Carnegie Training already has over a decade of experience in developing people to be engaging and powerful online communicators, and many more decades supporting confidence, competence, and mindsets for commercial and personal success.

If online sales are a pain point in your business, drop me a line to organise coffee and a conversation to talk through your objectives.

Contact Graham – graham.perkins@dalecarnegie,com

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Selling in the Digital Age

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Free Webinar – How to Engage and Sell Remotely