Recognition. Sales people love recognition. Make it genuine and mean it. Don’t just recognise great results they only show up at the end, recognise the effort and activity that go into making great results happen. Recognise and encourage every improvement and you have a chance that it will become a habit.
Support. We all need support along the way. New people especially need to know that you have their back. Remember they are still learning and won’t get it right every time. Even at times of non-performance don’t withdraw your support it’s a huge price to pay and will undermine confidence. Established people also need support to help them to maintain their performance and get to the next level.
Measure. Sales people need to know their formula for success. Measure activities such as meetings and prospects. Measure ratio’s such as conversion and retention. If your sales team own the measures, they will use them to drive their own performance. Measures are a carrot not a stick.
Be Enthusiastic. Most sales people like an environment that energises and engages them. Most sales people like a leader that energises and engages them. Energy does not create itself, someone needs to bring to the room every day. Will that be you?
Integrity Matters. How we treat customers, how we speak about our products and services, how we handle mistakes, how we treat each other really matters. If people feel their values are compromised they will go. Let’s be ethical, let’s operate with integrity and don’t compromise values for the sake of a sale.
For more sales strategies download Closing the Sales by Building Customer Relationships.