3 Steps to Assessing If Your Business Really is ‘Agile’

‘Agility’ is the buzzword in business at the moment. Business owners preach they are designed for ‘flexibility’ and embrace ‘change’. However, evidence suggests that not all businesses are fit for purpose when challenging conditions arise.

The challenging times we are currently experiencing have meant businesses have needed to ask themselves some very pertinent questions:

When your team aren’t physically in the same place, can your business run as efficiently?

There’s no denying face-to-face meetings tend to be the most productive. But if travel is affected , we find ourselves having to rely on Zoom, Skype or even FaceTime. Not ideal – but if you’re team aren’t well versed in accessing these apps and using them to effectively run meetings this would have been challenging for them. Perhaps put in place one ‘virtual’ meeting a month, as common practice, even if people aren’t working from home. It’s good to get used to technology and in the long-term may be a way you can do some of your meetings with clients in the future, saving time and travel expenses. See it as an opportunity to develop some new skills.

Do you plan for the Worst?

There’s some things you can’t plan for, but what we are experiencing now shows that anything can. Every organisation needs a plan, B, C and D if possible. Although many businesses now are trying to be agile, to keep their businesses growing, in what may be some quieter days and weeks ahead they should consider using this time to future-proof their business for any other crisis it may face. Look out online for webinars and learning opportunities to upskill yourself and your people.

Are your employees resilient?

Perhaps one of the more notable traits of ‘agility’ is the adaption to change and the resilience employees have when encountering unfamiliar challenges. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a misstep and to actually see the misstep as an opportunity to learn. Challenges will occur in life and our careers, it’s how we adapt and learn that define how ‘agile’ we are. The more ‘agile’ the employee the more ‘agile’ the business. A vital way to boost these behaviours in your business is by ensuring you promote an open culture of sharing information. Let your people know what the plans are, how you will support them and how they can support you and the business. It’s in everyone’s best interests to work together. As Dale Carnegie said, People support a world they helped create.’

To help your business become more agile, attend our Free Online Webinar – How to Develop and Build an Agile Time Through the Coronavirus.

To learn more about developing agility in your organisation download our free resources:

Building the Foundation for Organisational Agility

Managing Change in the Digital Era