Gently Does It … Overcoming & Managing Weariness

We, the people have ridden a tidal wave of emotion over the past few years because of, well, you know what. And, not to trivialise, things are still a little tricky out there.

As a trainer, I see my role as guiding transformation. At Dale Carnegie, we think of the steps in this journey as emotional change, behaviour change, through to performance change. To a greater or lesser extent, the training room can offer anthropologic insights into the mood of the moment. In recent months, I have noticed a particular weariness when people enter the environment on day one. It is a feeling I would describe as ‘post resilience’ where the need to be flexible to change is now so engrained, that a quiet and tired acceptance is now undermining true agility.

This dimming of the aura is both understandable and relatable. Stretching after all, is best on a yoga mat not on a torture wrack!

With great employers at Dale Carnegie, I have been fortunate enough to model my role around my lifestyle, family and innate abilities. This is not to suggest a life of all strictly plain sailing. I love my position and consider it a genuine privilege to serve wonderful people and fabulous organisations. I am though an introvert within an extroverted profession, so I will confess to occasions of burn-out and moments of feeling genuinely fed up with being away from my precious comfort zone of family, reading, exercise, and rest.

Gentle training

 A positive outcome to draw upon from the topsy turvy turmoil of recent years seems to be that businesses are becoming wiser to the inevitable point of diminishing returns of grind culture and the false allures of overload and multi-tasking. If people are tired and weary, it is crucial that they see the training room as a safe space. True empathy and deep listening are requisites to coaching and facilitating effectively. Right now, this feels more essential than ever.

Gentle at work

The themes I see when training are mirrors for the workplace. When our teams and colleagues are weary and stressed, friendly communications, social intelligence, leading and coaching with empathy, are all pillars for success. The timeless Dale Carnegie Human Relations and Stress and Worry Principles are a delightful reference point for all of the above.

Gentle at home

Many in our profession are empaths, so knowing our boundaries and not bringing challenge and strain back home matter too. Taking time to relax and unwind properly, being present with loved ones, and practicing gentle parenting, all help to support emotional homeostasis. Harmony at home is a foundation to bringing gentle energy back into the workplace, whatever it is we do for a living.

Other resources that may help:

How to Manage Stress & Worry

Dale Carnegie’s Managing Stress You Tube Channel

The Author

Kirsty Tagg, Head of Customer Experience & Master Trainer

Vibrant and engaging, Kirsty is a great role model of the Dale Carnegie techniques and has client centricity at her core. She works with a variety of companies across the North of England to add value to their people and teams, enabling them to achieve their business objectives.